$1,677.00 USD

I acknowledge and understand that if I complete the entire program including all assessment questions in earnest and am not satisfied with what I learned, I can request a refund within 90 days of purchasing the course.

I understand that this is not based upon the results I achieve, but rather my satisfaction with what the course offered. 

I understand that like most things in life, what I put into this course exponentially correlates to what I will get out of it. The practices and exercises, and the way I implement the information I learn, are what create results. Integration is key.

I understand this is not something I’ll learn overnight. Just like working out or learning an instrument, this work takes practice and effort before I see results.

I respect that all of the material in this course is the property of Sureya Leonara and I will not share or reuse this material for any commercial purposes, or with anyone else who did not purchase the course.

An added bonus for those who want to go even deeper and receive personalized support: Sureya is offering a 90-minute private session, over video chat or in-person if you're local to Boulder, CO, for only $555, which is a greatly discounted rate and the only way to have a one-off session.  This is our chance to dive deeper into YOUR personal process and make sure you get everything you need out of this course! This session must be used within three months of purchasing.

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Multiorgasmic Vitality and Vital Cockfidence

In this course we will…

  • Learn how to have delicious, multiple orgasms while increasing vitality, mental clarity, and focus (this goes far beyond the common practice of “edging” and is actually a completely different type of orgasm).
  • Harness ejaculatory control so you can choose when and IF you want to ejaculate, and therefore lasting as long as you want while bringing both you AND your lover to new orgasmic heights and deeper, more fulfilling connection.
  • Expand your horizons so you can be at choice for which type of orgasm and experience you’d like to have each time you self-pleasure or have sex.
  • Unlock the ability to feel supercharged, inspired, and able to connect with your lover after orgasm, rather than feeling depleted or wanting to be alone.
  • Hone your ability to orgasm many times without losing your erection in between.
  • Learn how to overcome sexual “dysfunctions” like premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, and anorgasmia and discover their true roots (it’s often not what you think, and is totally fixable with the power you hold WITHIN!)
  • Overcome porn addiction and learn a fulfilling, revitalizing self-pleasure practice that differentiates mindless masturbation from mindful masturbation.
  • Debunk myths about what makes a good lover, and reveal the greater, hidden depths behind what it takes to be the best she’s ever had.
  • Harness the power of your sexual arousal and learn to channel it into every area of your life, in ways that can increase your confidence, health, motivation, finances, creativity and more.
  • Discover how enhancing your capacity for pleasure also expands that of your lover’s.
  • Reawaken sensitivity so you can feel MORE pleasure LONGER.
  • Cultivate deeper communication with and receptivity to your sexual energy so you can work with it intentionally, rather than being at the effect of it.
  • Explore the merging of sex and spirit, expanding your experience of sexuality to your heart, your entire body, and into deeply fulfilling wholeness within, and powerful union with your lover.
  • Understand which common seminal retention practices to avoid and why.
  • Become more deeply embodied, present, and receptive both in and out of the bedroom.
  • Optimize your sexual performance through health and lifestyle.
  • Have a private online chat forum to share your success, support and questions with the other men on this journey and receive further video support from Sureya.

This course takes place on a user-friendly, private, online platform and includes professionally-produced digestible videos, recorded guided meditations, written instructions, and practices to integrate into your life during this course and beyond.


What People Are Saying:

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